Making a list or lists…

Today I had an argument with my father and I’m still a bit upset, so I won’t finish the task tonight.

Day 2 assignment of Writing 101 is write a list, and the current topic for the writing contest at the English writing correction service I’m using happens to be ‘create a top 5 list of something you find interesting’. I think I need take time for making lists later. I already have lengthy to(/must/should)-do lists and endless reading lists, though.

4 thoughts on “Making a list or lists…

    • Thank you encouraging me. And sorry I couldn’t reply much. We’re okay. Living with our own aging parent(s) can be tough and often annoying. :p I just needded some time to cool myself down.

      I’m going to write an essay for the final assignment for Critical Reading. So I’ll be a bit low key for the next two weeks. I hope to post a short entry from time to time for a change. Wish me luck 😉 Taking a new course or reading a book always results in another long list of reading and learning, I’m starting to suspect… Nice line, I should write a new entry for this later. LOL

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